- Participation in Lighting Fair International, Chicago USA - LED/OLED Lighting Fair
- Presence at LED Lighting Control System2.0 public hearing
- Winning the ¡®ICT Fusion Self-Diagnosis Relay Project¡¯ contract
- Participation in Lighting Control part of the North America Export Consortium
- Installed of wireless LED Control in the Wenzhou Medical University
- Launched for the decentralized device of IPC and SPC that are based on WEB


- Participation in Lighting Fair International, Philadelphia USA
- Participation in LED/OLED Fair
- Winning the ¡®Self-Diagnosis Relay type of embedded Project¡¯ contract
- Participation in Lighting Control part of the North America Export Consortium


- Participation in Lighting Fair International, San Diego USA
- Participation in International LED&OLED fair and won the prize of Prime Minister Award
- Announced for new lighting control technology at KIIEE
- Prize-winning for Prime Minister Award for Wireless Touch LCD switch
- Participation in Cham-Bit Seoul lighting Fair


- Participation in 2015 New York LFI(Lighting Fair International)
- Participation in LED/OLED Lighting Fair on building energy saving solution
- Prize-winning with 10A Hybrid Terminal Unit from the Ministry of Commerce Industry and Energy
- Selection from the government as a leading the Fusion-Industry company / Building Automatic
  Control System
- Selection the top 100 products in the Asia / Lighting Control System
- Development of LED lighting control for the China hospital / Wireless Control
- Launched the TFT-LCD switch / 3 types of wired & wireless Stand-Alone
- Selected as a managing department of LED system lighting 2.0 from government


- Acquisition the ¡®K Mark¡¯ certification of a performance / Building Automatic Control System
- Acquisition the ¡®Q Mark¡¯ certification of a quality / Building Automatic Control System


- Acquisition for the GS(Good Software) certification (certification No. 13-0033)
- Acquisition for the FCC(Part 15 Class A, B) for the all products of lighting control system
- Certificate of producing confirmation directly(automatic control system,
  automatic flickering machine and measuring instrument)
- Holding the technology seminar for the Energy Saving Solutions of CLARUS at Sam-Jung hotel


- Patent registration for the lighting control system which calculate the electric energy
  (registration No. 1011743610000)
- Development of Energy Manager4 (EM4) / Window7 64bit Version


- Development of lighting control system, Car Park Control Solution and Access Control Solution