

- Participation in LED/OLED Lighting Fair, Building Energy Saving solution
- Acquisition for High-Efficiency LED of intuitive type
- Prize-winning for the Load Construction Design from Korea Expressway Corporation


- Holding the seminar for the customers at Sam-Jung hotel
- Implementation of national assignment for park lighting, security lighting
  for protection from light pollution and a douser which prevent from agriculture damage


- Holding the seminar for the customers at Sam-Jung hotel


- Acquisition for the High-Efficiency device certification of 8 types of LED light
- Delivery and installation of light at the local court
- Delivery and installation of light at car park


- Acquisition for the multipurpose LED light and High-Efficiency device certification of LuBIo
- Delivery and installation of light at the local court
- Development and acquisition of the certificate for the LED explosion proof lighting
- Registration with the Korea Electric Power Corporation as the appropriate supplier


- Acquisition of the KS certification for industrial lighting of LED
- Launch the new LED lighting
- Delivery the LED lighting to plenty of atomic plants(Gori, Younggwang, Sin-Walsung etc,)
- Delivery the LED lighting to port and industrial complex